XMONDO: Behind the Design

September 8, 2021

Colors, patterns, and textures will combine to create a swoon-worthy look inside the new Xmondo headquarters. Right from the start, Infinity Group designers understood that this client would be different. Why? Xmondo is in the business of changing how people feel through hair care. Also, they are willing to be adventurous with the design of their new space.

Color = transformation

Our client Brad Mondo masterfully uses the power of color with his own clients to open their eyes to what’s possible. Brad shares videos with his millions of subscribers online. He captures the raw emotion of how a new look feels. Infinity Group designers also know that the right color can lift a mood, set the tone, and spark curiosity and creativity. Before Xmondo, Infinity Group designers flexed their color-prowess in the TaskUs space.



We caught up with Infinity Group Director of Design Laura Merrill. She walks us through the renderings of the new Xmondo offices. The design brief from our client Brad Mondo was clear and intriguing.

“He wanted something fun, industrial, colorful, and crazy,” said Merrill.


X marks the spot



“He gave me his Pinterest board to look at, and I found him on Instagram. This gave me a sense of the colors and designs he likes. There are a lot of bright colors, neon lighting, and an overall modern aesthetic,” said Merrill.


On-brand, off the wall, and onto the floor

When you first step into the space you will notice the big X on the wall. This element was a true collaboration. It is going to be made of durable vinyl. It will start on the wall and carry across the floor. Then it will go under the furniture and up the opposite wall. Pink neon lights will accent the X design on the wall. There will also be moss inside parts of the X.



The move into this new space will more than triple the square footage for Xmondo. And while the raw space is perfect for their growth, it comes with a few stipulations. The support columns and brick walls can’t be altered.

“That design challenge became part of the fun,” said Merrill.

The brick walls will be incorporated into the modern industrial design. You’ll see the brick in the conference room and in the kitchen as well. Also, the black columns that line the center of the open space will be decorated by chains that are connected through giant X’s on the ceiling. And the chains will originate from the heads of brightly colored mannequins in different parts of the office.



“The mannequins are an abstract nod to what Xmondo does, and a fun conversation starter for anyone visiting the space,” said Merrill.

The client picked solid color furniture throughout, no patterns, creating a bold unbusied look throughout.

No boring meetings allowed



“In this space, Brad and I chose this blue commercial grade couch that mimics the low-profile style of a collection of overstuffed bean bag chairs,” said Merrill.

All the graphics you will see throughout the space were created by Xmondo’s in house graphic designer.



Laura worked closely with Infinity Group Architectural Designer Paulina Martinczak as Paulina created the renderings of this unique space. The both kept one thing top of mind.

 “I believe all of our projects must also address human needs for plants, natural light, light environments, ergonomic furniture, acoustics, air quality, and this project proves we can accomplish all of that in a fun way” said Merrill.

 Could this be a glimpse into the future of office design? 

The short answer is yes, but not for the reasons you may think. Merrill explains that of course not everyone returning to the office will want flying mannequins and chains. But this project is a spectacular example of a company that knows its brand identity and is ready to express it in a physical office.

“Brands with a strong sense of who they are, give life to spaces that stir the soul and inspire employees to do their best work. I do expect to see more of this as companies rethink the purpose of physical offices and how to maximize their emotional impact,” said Merrill.

“It will look different for every company, and Xmondo is just a wonderful example of what happens when we partner with a company to make work beautiful,” said Merrill.